Excitement is Rising!
With just two weeks until spring break, students and staff are feeling the excitement of a little break around the corner. Let's not lose our focus as we inch closer to the break. Your intentional instruction and commitment to every student will result in HUGE progress for students. New Q3 math data will become available to support small group planning, ensuring every student is provided opportunities for mastery of the grade level standard - OR extension when ready! In grades 3-5, new Assesslet data has been (or will be) reviewed to support writing goals as you reach the final stretch to EOG. & in reading, your daily small group instruction should be focused on the need of individual groups as students move through stages of reading development (decoding/encoding - fluency - morphology/vocabulary - text comprehension - & written expression). If you need support in any area, or simply want a thought partner as you consider how to ensure master...